Being a website owner is not really easy. Truth is, it might seem like an interesting job if you take the consideration the creative aspect of it. It is the opportunity to put your dreams, into reality, increase your business, and bring fresh and innovative ideas. That is a great aspect of it.
However, it takes a lot of work. Not only on the creative aspect of it, but it is equally important to be informed about the tech world. You need to find the right hosting provider with a powerful server that may keep your site up and running. After you get all that, your site is ready to launch. It can be all that you ever wanted to have for your online business.
In an online business, everything might not be as smooth as we want it to be. You might encounter a few bumps on the road that leave you wondering if you have made the right choice considering your hosting provider. You have chosen the plan that after some time had not proven to be right for you. The price may be too much for you, or you have reached the limit of your disk space or bandwidth. The tech support was not of good service to you. There are a variety of reasons why someone would want to change a hosting provider.
Afterward, you may find yourself wondering what might happen with your Google rankings. Because you have put your efforts into making sure your website stays at the top of the search engine. All of this is a real concern that thankfully is not fatal for any business, for there is always a way to conquer any issue that may cross your path.
Firstly, if you are not satisfied with your hosting provider, you can always switch to one that you assume is better for you. This time you might want to look at free hosting. Free hosting will provide with you the same services as those hosting companies that billed you annually. The money you save on hosting services you might want to use as an investment for your business growth. And, the free hosting services are no less than paid ones. Read reviews about such hosting options, and make the best choice that will help you grow both your website and your business.
The good thing about online business and the tech industry is that it is always evolving its shape, is always changing and there is something for every taste. The holidays are the most wonderful time of the year and if you happen to be a WordPress site owner, here you might find something to your taste and decorate your site. Even though Christmas is behind us, the holiday spirit is still around us.
After you switch to a different hosting company your search engine ranking will be affected due to several causes. Firstly the important factor affecting the ranking is the location of the new server. If the location of the new server is the same as the one of the previous one, meaning if it is in the same country then the search engine rankings should not be affected. Search engines such as Google have one of the ranking rules the location of the website is in close proximity to the user.
Next, the loading speed of the website after it is transferred to a new location is also one of the factors. If the loading of the website is slower than 2 seconds this will automatically cause Google rankings to drop. For you, as a website owner, this means that you need a web hosting provider with a new server that is optimized to handle the hits toward your website fast enough so, it would not cause your Google rankings to drop.
Not to be forgotten is the uptime during the transfer. If you shut down your website before you transfer it to another server, your search ranking could be seriously decreased. So you should leave the website, on the old server until the transfer to the new one is completed and you can switch your domain name to the new server. Afterward, you should take 72 hours to make sure your domain name is working properly.
The transfer of a website to a new server is not an easy task to do. There are several items to be taken into consideration. However, if you are sure that it would be a good solution for your business in the long term, do not hesitate to make a change. Granted it may affect your Google rankings, but with the right approach to it, meaning after you have all the possible information you may need in your hand you should deal with it in no time. You should consider Google ranking factors to have better SEO results. Who knows, maybe a new server will in the long run even increase your rankings. The only way to find out is to be brave and do it.